图标 | 名字 | Description | 效果 | 解锁 | Notes | 代码 |
 | -游戏杀手 | Halts XP gain. Experience Gems turn into exploding projectiles. All Treasure Chests contain at least 3 items. | 不再获得经验,经验宝石会变成能爆炸的飞射物。所有的宝箱内至少有三个物品。
  | Defeat the final enemy in the Cappella Magna. | Applies to Experience Gems and Treasure Chests. | ilmatto |
 | -双子座 | Listed weapons come with a counterpart. | 所列的武器酱油格子的匹配与之同时出现:
         | Reach Level 50 with Pugnala. | Applies to Peachone, Ebony Wings, Vandalier, Phiera Der Tuphello, Eight The Sparrow, Phieraggi, Gatti Amari, Vicious Hunger, Shadow Servant , Ophion , Party Popper , and Nduja Fritta Tanto. | ilbagatto |
 | -暮色的安魂曲 | Listed weapon projectiles generate explosions when they expire. Explosions damage is affected by Curse. | 所列武器的飞射物在消失时会发生爆炸:
             | Reach Level 50 with Dommario. |
Applies to King Bible, Unholy Vespers, Lightning Ring, Thunder Loop, Peachone, Ebony Wings, Runetracer, Shadow Pinion, Bone, Celestial Dusting, Bi-Bracelet, Silver Wind , Festive Winds , Prismatic Missile , and Luminaire . | lapapessa |
 | -悲镜的公主 | The cooldown of the listed weapons reduces when moving. | 当移动时,所列武器的冷却时间会减少。
       | Reach Level 50 with Porta. | Applies to Garlic, Soul Eater, Santa Water, La Borra, Lightning Ring, Thunder Loop, and Carréllo. | limperatrice |
 | -苏醒 | Gives +3 Revivals. Consuming a Revival gives +10% Max Health, +1 Armor, and +5% Might, Area, Duration, and Speed. |
 | Reach Level 50 with Krochi. | Consumed Revival bonus applies even to those from PowerUps and Tiragisú. | limperatore |
 | -夜色下的混乱 | Overall projectile Speed continuously changes between -50% and +50% over 10 seconds. The character starts gaining +1% projectile Speed every level. |
 | Reach Level 50 with Giovanna. | Applies a multiplier on top of everything else ranging from 0.5x to 1.5x. Each level increases Projectile Speed by +1%. | ilpapa |
 | -疗愈的萨拉邦 | Healing is doubled. Recovering HP damages nearby enemies for the same amount. | 治疗加倍。恢复生命会对附近的敌人造成等量伤害。
        | Find the Randomazzo. |
Every source of healing is doubled and triggers an Area-of-Effect damage pulse, including Recovery, Floor Chicken, Bloody Tear, Fuwalafuwaloo, Soul Eater, Celestial Dusting, Silver Wind , Festive Winds , Night Sword , Muramasa , and Revival. | randomazzami |
 | -铁蓝意志 | Listed weapon projectiles gain up to 3 bounces and might pass through enemies and walls. | 所列武器的飞射物可以最多反弹3次,并且可能穿透敌人和墙壁。
       | Reach Level 50 with Gennaro. |
Applies to Knife, Thousand Edge, Axe, Death Spiral, Phiera Der Tuphello, Eight The Sparrow, Carréllo, Flash Arrow , and Millionaire . | ilcarro |
 | -疯狂的乐声 | Every 2 minutes attracts all standard stage items, pickups, and light sources towards the character. | 每2分钟,将关卡道具,掉落物和光源拉向角色
    | Reach minute 31 in the Mad Forest or defeat the Reaper. | Applies to all stage items. | laforza |
 | -神圣血脉 | Armor also affects listed weapons' damage and reflects enemy damage. Character gains bonus damage depending on missing Health. Defeating enemies with retaliatory damage gives +0.5 Max Health. | 防御不仅会影响所列武器的伤害,还会返还敌人的伤害,根据损失的生命值,角色获得额外的伤害。通过返还伤害杀敌可以令生命上限+0.5%
          | Reach Level 50 with Clerici. |
Applies to Armor, Max Health, Cross, King Bible, Garlic, Santa Water, Lightning Ring, Song of Mana, Vento Sacro, Victory Sword, and Silver Wind . | leremita |
 | -新手的好运 | Listed weapons get +1 Amount. The character's main weapon and its evolution gain +3 Amount instead. | 所列武器的发射数量+1,角色的猪武器及进化形态的发射数量+3
       | Reach Level 50 with Antonio. | Applies to the character's starting weapon, its evolutions and unions, Bone, Cherry Bomb, Carréllo, Celestial Dusting, and La Robba. | laruota |
 | -珍珠的圆舞曲 | Listed weapon projectiles gain up to 3 bounces. | 所列武器的飞射物可以最多反弹3次。
       | Reach Level 50 with Imelda. | Applies to Magic Wand, Holy Wand, Fire Wand, Hellfire, Cross, Heaven Sword, and Carréllo. | lagiustizia |
 | -时空的跨越 | Freezing Enemies generates explosions. Orologions are easier to find. | 冻结敌人会引发爆炸,更容易发现时铸怀表
    | Reach minute 31 in the Gallo Tower or defeat the Reaper. | Applies to Clock Lancet, Infinite Corridor, Mirage Robe , J'Odore , and Orologion. | lappeso |
 | -邪恶季节 | Overall Growth, Luck, Greed, and Curse are doubled at fixed intervals. The character starts gaining +1% Growth, Luck, Greed, and Curse every 2 levels. | 整体成长,运气,贪欲和诅咒按照固定的间隔翻倍。每两级,角色的成长,运气,贪欲和诅咒+1%
    | Reach Level 50 with Christine. | Applies a multiplier on top of everything else. Each level increases Growth, Luck, Greed, and Curse by +0.5%. | lamorte |
 | -水晶的监牢 | Listed weapons have a chance to freeze enemies. | 所列武器的飞射物有几率冰冻敌人
        | Reach Level 50 with Pasqualina. |
Applies to Magic Wand, Holy Wand, Runetracer, NO FUTURE, Eight The Sparrow, Twice Upon a Time, Cygnus, Bracelet, Prismatic Missile , and Luminaire
| latemperanza |
 | -黄金的迪斯科 | Picking up coin bags from the floor triggers Gold Fever. Obtaining gold restores as many HP. | 拾取地上的钱袋将开启淘金狂潮,获得金币可以恢复等量的生命值。
      | Reach minute 31 in the Inlaid Library or defeat the Reaper. | Applies to Vicious Hunger, Gold Coins, Coin Bags, Rich Coin Bags, Treasure Chests, and Big Coin Bags from Treasure Chests and level ups when every item is maxed. Gold Fever triggers with Coin Bags and Rich Coin Bags. | ildiavolo |
 | -屠割 | Enables critical hits for listed weapons. Doubles overall critical damage. | 所列武器可以造成暴击,并且暴击伤害加倍。
           | Reach Level 50 with Lama. |
Applies to Knife, Thousand Edge, Whip, Bloody Tear, Axe, Death Spiral, Heaven Sword, Vento Sacro, Fuwalafuwaloo, Victory Sword, Greatest Jubilee, Muramasa , Eskizzibur , Legionnaire , Flash Arrow , and Millionaire .
| latorre |
 | -失而复得的彩画 | Overall Duration continuously changes between -50% and +50% over 10 seconds. The character starts gaining +1% Duration every level. | 每10秒内,持续时间会不断变化,从- 50%到+50%,每升一级,角色的持续时间+1%
 | Reach Level 50 with Poppea. | Applies a multiplier on top of everything else ranging from 0.5x to 1.5x. Each level increases Duration by +1%. | lastella |
 | -幻象的波加洛 | Overall Area continuously changes between -25% and +25% over 10 seconds. The character starts gaining +1% Area every level. | 每10秒内,攻击范围会不断变化,从- 25%到+25%,每升一级,角色的攻击范围+1%。
 | Reach Level 50 with Concetta. | Applies a multiplier on top of everything else ranging from 0.75x to 1.25x. Each level increases Area by +1%. | laluna |
 | -烈火之心 | Listed weapon projectiles explode on impact. Light sources explode. Character explodes when damaged. | 所列武器的飞射物在碰撞时会引发爆炸,当角色收到伤害也会引发爆炸。
        | Reach Level 50 with Arca. |
Applies to Fire Wand, Hellfire, Valkyrie Turner, Phiera Der Tuphello, Red Muscle, Zhar Ptytsia, Tri-Bracelet, Prismatic Missile , Luminaire , and Light source. Character explodes when damaged similar to NO FUTURE.
| ilsole |
 | -寂静的圣迹 | Gives +3 Reroll, Skip, and Banish. Gives +20% Might and -8% Cooldown for each active weapon slot left empty. | 提供3次重选,跳过和排除的机会,每个空置的武器栏位,可以让力量+20%冷却时间-8%
   | Reach minute 31 in the Dairy Plant or defeat the Reaper. | Can pair up with max active weapon limit from Mindbender. | ilgiudizio |
 | -血色天灾 | Listed weapons also emit special damaging zones affected by Amount and Magnet. Enemies within Magnet range take damage based on Amount. | 所列出武器会发散出特殊的伤害领域,该效果受发射数量和念力的影响,根据发射数量,在念力范围内的敌人会遭受相应的伤害。
         | Reach Level 50 with Poe. | Applies to Garlic, Soul Eater, Pentagram, Gorgeous Moon, Song of Mana, Mannajja, Clock Lancet, and Laurel. Scales with Amount and Magnet. | ilmondo |