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wiki:vampiresurvivors:3.被动:1.被动列表 [2023/05/23 20:29] wuwiki:vampiresurvivors:3.被动:1.被动列表 [2023/05/26 19:21] (当前版本) wu
行 23: 行 23:
 |{{.:bd_20_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_20_.png?32x32}}|右箭头|Channels dark powers to curse the bearer.|9|10|* +5% Curse (Max +40%) \\ * Evolves Laurel into Crimson Shroud with both it and Metaglio Left at max level \\ * The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats|Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign|神圣禁地获取黄色标志后解锁| |{{.:bd_20_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_20_.png?32x32}}|右箭头|Channels dark powers to curse the bearer.|9|10|* +5% Curse (Max +40%) \\ * Evolves Laurel into Crimson Shroud with both it and Metaglio Left at max level \\ * The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats|Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign|神圣禁地获取黄色标志后解锁|
 |{{.:bd_21_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_21_.png?32x32}}|托罗娜的魔盒|Cursed item, but increases Might, Projectile Speed, Duration, and Area by 4%.|9|40|* +4% Omni (Max +25%) \\ * +3% Omni from level 2 to 8 \\ * +100% Curse at level 9 \\ * Omni is Might, Speed, Duration, and Area \\ * Evolves Victory Sword to obtain Sole Solution \\ * Evolves Flames of Misspell into Ashes of Muspell|Have 6 different evolutions weapons simultaneously|在一场游戏中拥有6种超武| |{{.:bd_21_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_21_.png?32x32}}|托罗娜的魔盒|Cursed item, but increases Might, Projectile Speed, Duration, and Area by 4%.|9|40|* +4% Omni (Max +25%) \\ * +3% Omni from level 2 to 8 \\ * +100% Curse at level 9 \\ * Omni is Might, Speed, Duration, and Area \\ * Evolves Victory Sword to obtain Sole Solution \\ * Evolves Flames of Misspell into Ashes of Muspell|Have 6 different evolutions weapons simultaneously|在一场游戏中拥有6种超武|
-|{{.:bd_22_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_22_.png?32x32}}|Academy Badge {{.:dlc.png?16x16}}|Will provide bonus Amount and Revivals in exchange for Growth.|6|10|* +1 Amount at level 2, 4, 6 (Max +3) \\ * +1 Revival at level 3 and 5 (Max +2) \\ * -3% Growth (Max -15%) \\ * The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats|Reaching level 30 as Eleanor, Maruto, or Keitha| |+|{{.:bd_22_.png?100x100}}|{{.:bdxt_22_.png?32x32}}|Academy Badge {{.:dlc.png?16x16}}|以成长属性换取额外的发射数量和复活机会。|6|10|* +1 Amount at level 2, 4, 6 (Max +3) \\ * +1 Revival at level 3 and 5 (Max +2) \\ * -3% Growth (Max -15%) \\ * The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats|Reaching level 30 as Eleanor, Maruto, or Keitha| |



  • wiki/vampiresurvivors/3.被动/1.被动列表.1684844964.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2023/05/23 20:29
  • wu