

(DONT USE) Heavy Tow Hitch重型250 5.51542150 some shenanigans
(TEST) BeetleMallet重型60 101542150 heavy weapon
(TEST) Big Stick重型30 101542150 heavy weapon
(TEST) BrickHammer重型60 101542150 heavy weapon
(TEST) Ice Axe刃器250 424672400. 0.0750.110.418temp
(TEST) Metal SledgeHammer重型125 101542150 heavy weapon
(TEST) No Parking Sign重型30 1010281000. heavy weapon
(TEST) PoleAxe重型125 1015421500. heavy weapon
Ancestral Mace钝器260 8.522.563225 genuine artifact passed down through the centuries, this masterwork mace has seen entire civilizations rise and fall.
Apocalypse Bat钝器250 1.533.7594337.5 aluminum baseball bat is fitted with industrial-strength bolts for enhanced skull-crunching capabilities.
Apocalypse Sword刃器250 518501800.60.1251.40.2 0.0750.110.418A heavy Chinese war sword issued in the second world war, highly regarded for its potential to remove limbs in a single stroke.
Barbed Wire Bat钝器250 322.5632250.0750.0751.60.20.450.1250.0750.0750.60.556.5I do believe this weapon makes a statement without even being used. Of course, using it makes quite another statement indeed.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Bastard of Belleau Wood刃器300 1.515421500.60.2510.2 thing must be a century old, but it's immaculately maintained, with a well-worn handle and brutal serrated edge. An inscription can be found on the blade, worn down but still barely legible: “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?” -SGT MAJ D.D. USMC 6/6/18
Bell Club钝器60 1029.92583299.25 your grip and forearm strength while also saving the world!
Big ol' Shovel重型60 101028100 Yes. Loud? For sure. But it knocks down zeds like nobody's business.
Bowie Machete刃器55 2.512331200.150.12510.2 vicious blade is startlingly effective at killing zeds.
Breaching Hammer钝器175 317.549175 the folks in uniform need a hammer to break a door, it looks like this. Works on zombies, too.
Brush Axe刃器30 2.5925900.450.2510.2 0.0750.110.416.5A useful tool for clearing brush, the humble brush axe is startlingly effective at removing zombie limbs.
Carpenter's Hatchet刃器60 412331200.150.1251.'s designed to chop wood, but it works on zombies just as well.
Carving Knife刃器30 0.5925900.30.2510.2 0.0750.110.414What once sliced turkey now carves only zed. This particular knife is lighter than most bladed weapons, but is somewhat less effective.
Ceremonial Bayonet刃器295 1.512331200.60.12510.2 old honor-guard bayonet from days long past, lovingly maintained. Faded initials are carved into the pommel, but too worn to make out.
Championship Bat钝器40 918.7552187.5 bat used to win the game the whole town talked about, lovingly maintained and fitted with a custom grip.
Cleaver刃器30 212331200.450.2510.2 0.0750.110.416.5Fresh meat is in short supply nowadays, but there's plenty of rotten flesh to carve.
CLEO Battle Axe刃器5005001815421500. Adjustment: Secondary blade added to increase destructive capability.<br><br>Survival_Rate: +1.3% from v19.53<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
CLEO Greathammer钝器5005002317.549175 Adjustment: Implemented significant mass increase to improve survival rates when facing targets of augmented size. <br><br>TODO: Repeat trials with subjects selected for improved physical capacity.<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
CLEO Hand Axe刃器2002001215421500. Simple, iconic design will increase end-user adoption. <br><br>TODO: Expand testing radius 20% to augment data collection.<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
CLEO Longblade刃器3003002215421500. 0.20.2850.4118Goal_01: Maximize rate of standard target elimination.<br><br>Goal_02: Retain optimal balance and ease of use.<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
CLEO Mace钝器300300817.549175 Deliver superior striking power while avoiding undesired mass increase.<br><br>TODO: Explore aesthetic variations to increase end-user adoption.<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
CLEO Warhammer钝器2002001117.549175 2.650.20.550.250.0750.150.60.557.25Hypothesis: Redistribution of mass to key impact points accelerates incidents to successful conclusion. <br><br>Survival_Rate_Goal: +2.0%.<br><br>-excerpt from CLEO blueprint
Coffee Can Mace重型300 1212.5351250. cool and delivers powerful zombie-crushing strikes.
Crow's Beak钝器300 821.7560217.50.2250.0751. brutal pick-axe was built from a wrought-iron fence and fine-tuned for maximum skull puncturing. A little hard to swing.
Crowbar钝器60 5.522.563225 zombie-slaying classic. Heavy and hard-hitting, nearly impossible to break.
Cutting Machine Blade刃器85 618501800.150.1251. from an industrial cutter and gripped with paracord, this hunk of metal has seen its way through dozens of zeds.
Danforth Slugger钝器250 121542150 Network-affiliated maker named “PapiEdgar_11” perfected and shared a simple process for filling an everyday wooden bat with lead, without losing durability. <br><br>The resulting weapon delivers high-value strikes on a shoestring budget.
Deck Destroyer钝器60 312331200.0750.0751. specialized deck teardown tool that also does an admirable job of ripping apart zombies.
Demo Hammer钝器250 21542150 used only to destroy, now you can put this tool to use in protecting the living.
Double Bit Axe重型125 1317.5491750. wielded against towering forest giants, this long-handled axe delivers top-of-the-line zombie-chopping action.
Driveshaft Club重型95 151542150 1.60.2250.450.1250.03750.0750.90.3516Knock the zeds for a loop with this mighty mashie… as long as you don't fall down swinging it.
Echo-1 Wraith刃器275 212331200.60.12510.2 0.11250.11 18I'm not actually sure what this ninja-sword is made of. Whatever it is, it barely makes a sound when I'm slicing through zeds. That's damn handy.<br>–Kelly “Sasquatch” Eldridge
Echo-2 Mamba刃器275 212331200.60.1251.60.2 0.150.11 111Another one of these super-quiet swords. My thanks to whoever's cranking these out, 'cause this thing is fuckin' sweet. Kinda reminds me of an officer's saber, only this sure ain't Army surplus.<br>–Kelly “Sasquatch” Eldridge
Enigmatic Axe重型300 1320562000.450. expertly crafted Michigan-style double-bit axe reeks of strong coffee and old blood. One shudders to imagine what it has seen… or done.
Escrima Stick钝器55 311.2531112.5 the untrained eye, it looks like a stick. The trained eye sees twelve ways it can cripple you.
Excadaver刃器275 318501800.150.3751.“Gentleman Cadaver” fans have been arguing for years over whether it's pronounced “ex-CAD-uh-ver” or “ex-cuh-DAV-er.”
Fire Chief's Crowbar钝器70 633.7594337.5 blue-collar heirloom originating from an old-time firehouse. This humble hunk of metal has saved countless lives. It may yet save more.
Fire Poker钝器250 212331200.0750.0751. must all keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden. Perhaps this lethal weapon will aid that endeavor. <br>–Cash Beaumont
Freedom Ringer钝器280 433.7594337.5 0.0750.660.556.5This patriotic aluminum bat is reinforced with a weighted ring to really knock 'em out of the park.
Gaff Hook钝器60 315421500.0750.0751. is often the last thing a fish sees before being impaled and yanked from the water. Works on zeds, too!
Golden Eagle刃器250 213.5371350.60.12510.2 0.0750.110.414The ultimate in tactical axe technology. If zombies didn't exist, we'd have to invent them to give this weapon something to destroy.
Grasscutter刃器250 318501800.60.12510.2 may not be an immortal blade from ancient history, but it sure slices through zombies as if it were.
Grillmeister刃器250 224672400.450.1251. stainless steel grilling tool with an aggressively serrated edge. Ready to handle meat both fresh and undead.
Groundbreaker Shovel重型250 912.5351250.225 genuine limited-edition Ceremonial Shovel from Westen Allied Construction's DeLuxe Tool Collection. More attractive and durable than your average implement, but just as noisy.
Halligan Tool钝器250 1122.5632250.0750.0751. popular firefighting multi-tool resembling a crowbar with a pickaxe attached. Durable and effective.
Hatchet刃器30 29.626960.450.12510.2 0.0750.110.416.5Zombies are just like cherry trees, right? Chop chop.
High-Angle Rescue Hatchet刃器250 624672400.60.1251.250.20.1250.110.11250.110.418Between grief and nothing, I will take grief. But why are those the only two choices? This durable weapon once saved lives by slicing through debris during dangerous rescues. Now it can save your life by slicing through the undead.<br>–Cash Beaumont
High-End Escrima Stick钝器250 1.516.87547168.75 exceptionally well-made, hardwood Escrima stick. Heavier than normal, but incredibly durable.
Hog Splitter重型95 1215421500. brutal weapon was originally designed for sundering entire carcasses. It might as well have been designed for post-apocalyptic survival.
Ice Axe刃器250 0.524672400. 0.11250.110.414Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. Regardless, you'll want this durable tool in hand to fend off your enemies. <br>–Cash Beaumont
Kama刃器30 19.626960.450.2510.2 0.0750.110.414This traditional Japanese grass cutting tool has been used as an improvised weapon for centuries. Carry on the tradition.
Katana Machete刃器175 312331200.60.12510.2 odd hobbyist's weapon appears to answer the immortal question: “What would a bastard sword with a katana blade look like?”
Kukri刃器30 312331200.450.2510.2 0.11250.110.418This blade might once have only seen service on special occasions, but now it's an everyday killing tool.
L6-Steel Mace钝器275 5.518.7552187.5 backyard blacksmith poured blood, sweat, and tears into this thing, and it shows. It'll outperform anything made by old-timey artisans.
Mace钝器250 5.51542150 made in a backyard forge and sold on the Internet. Delightfully effective at popping skulls.
Machete刃器30 2.512331200.30.2510.2 0.11250.110.416.5This humble tool doesn't care if it's hacking through underbrush or zombie limbs.
Mail-Order Wakizashi刃器30 1925900.10.2510.2 0.0750.110.414This thing looks way more lethal than it truly is. Still, it's not bad for costing just three easy payments of $19.95.
Masterwork Bokken钝器80 211.2531112.5 0.075 0.554A masterfully crafted wooden practice sword, perhaps used by a veteran instructor to issue discipline towards students whose focus was lacking. <br><br>Extremely quiet when swung.
Metal Bat钝器30 1.522.563225 modern aluminum baseball bat is even sturdier than its wooden cousin.
Metal Nightstick钝器50 1.8528.12578281.25 agree with the sentiment that we must start teaching ourselves not to be afraid. And the first step toward that goal is equipping yourself with one of these lightweight, high-durability batons.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Military Riot Club钝器100 312331200.0750.0751. may have told us that “all good things are wild and free,” but sadly these days, that is also true of many bad things. Protect yourself from the latter with this brutal implement designed to end any argument or conflict you may encounter.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Monogear Axe刃器300 315421500.30.1251. may have started as a bicycle gear, but now it exists only to cleave zombie skulls.
Mower Blade Sword刃器60 812331200.150.1251. crafted from a mower that never saw grass, this heavy blade can chop limbs like nobody's business.
Nail Puller钝器55 417.549175's kind of like a hammer without the nail-pounding head part. Still packs plenty of punch.
Noodle Knife刃器55 114.4401440.450.2510.2 0.0750.110.414You'd never guess that this brutal chopper was designed for making pasta.
Oversize Mallet钝器250 51542150 0.03750.0750.60.5515It's not easy to swing this big-ass hammer, but you'll be happy at the result.
Parang刃器30 310.8301080.30.2510.2 machete-like blade is found all across South East Asia… and in the states, wherever “exotic” knives are sold.
Persian Meel钝器275 101542150 wrestlers used clubs like this one for exercise. In a strong pair of hands it'll deliver a devastating blow.
Pipe钝器30 2.511.2531112.5 no-frills zombie bludgeoning tool gets the job done.
Pipe Threader钝器60 522.563225 heavy-duty hand-threader works surprisingly well as a heavy-duty club.
Pipe Wrench钝器60 524.7569247.5's not exactly designed for zombie-killing, but it does sound good hitting a skull.
PoleAxe (TEST)重型250 1515421500. heavy weapon
Police Baton钝器30 211.2531112.5 can rely on this lightweight bludgeon to “serve and protect” you and your community.
Police Chief's Baton钝器40 216.87547168.75 long-lived public servant with impressive durability and a solid grip.
Police Riot Club钝器50 317.549175 bard tells us, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” Of course, with this durable beauty delivering skull-thumping strikes, it is your enemies who shall be doing the sleeping.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Razor-Edge Machete刃器300 518501800.60.2510.2 0.11250.110.418A brutal, handmade machete-pattern blade with a razor sharp edge and a heavy head for maximum dismemberment.
Razorbite Axe刃器250 118.7552187.510.2510.2 0.0750.110.414This unique military axe dismembers anything it touches.
Rebar钝器30 816.87547168.75 piece of concrete-support ripped out of a building. Incredibly sturdy and incredibly heavy.
Rebar Blade刃器300 824672400.60.12510.20.1250.110.11250.110.4111Somebody forged this durable sword out of solid rebar. If it doesn't slice 'em open, it'll probably knock 'em down.
Replica Bastard Sword刃器250 8185018010.2510.2 0.11250.110.4115Though made in modern times, this weapon was lovingly forged with intense attention to detail.
RTX Crusher钝器2002001026.2573262.5 heavy, reinforced breaching hammer issued to Red Talon forces whose work demands a nigh-indestructible zombie fighting kit.
RTX Extermination Blade刃器200200320562000.30.1250.250.2 0.11250.110.414Red Talon forges began churning out these precisely machined zombie-slaying weapons just a few months after the outbreak.<br><br>Lightweight, durable, and easy to swing, they've proven quite popular among troops assigned to clearing infestations.
Saw Blade Sword重型95 1010281000. once attached blades to poles to stand against oppression. Now you can follow in their footsteps, dismembering and knocking down your undead enemies.
Shinai钝器55 211.2531112.5 0.0750.60.556.5This lightweight training sword was designed for exceptional ease of use. Unfortunately, it wasn't designed to be good at killing.
Skullsplitter刃器250 5277527010.2510.2 0.11250.110.418This devastating broadsword bears a simple Latin inscription that all would-be zombie slayers should remember: Semper Sursum (Always Aim High).
Slasher Machete刃器50 318501800.60.2810.2 0.101250.110.418I would not dare to claim that this weapon is literally thirsty for blood, but I do believe it has seen more kills than I could count. And yet it keeps coming back for more… <br>–Cash Beaumont
Sledge Hammer重型125 152056200 and durable, this mighty weapon might well last longer than you do.
Splitting Maul重型125 1417.5491750. single blade of this mighty tool is honed to razor sharpness. Also provides decent knockdown.
Sweet Skull Sword刃器250 318501800.150.1251. in a backyard by special commission, this lovingly crafted yet cheesy piece is honed to a razor edge.
Tactihawk刃器30 2925900.60.12510.2 0.0750.110.416.5Made overseas. Bought on the Internet. Never used… until now.
Tire Iron钝器30 2.516.87547168.75 lightweight bludgeon is as good at cracking skulls as it is at fixing tires. Maybe better, to be honest.
Titan Bat钝器250 1022.563225 the gods came down to Earth to fight zombies, this is what they'd use.
Tow Hitch Club钝器250 5.51542150 said, “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” I don't expect that he had something like this weapon in mind, but I'm sure he'd have appreciated the ingenuity.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Transmission Mace钝器300 1028.12578281.25 absurdly oversized bludgeon, built from a salvaged transmission. Nearly impossible to break, with a strong tendency to knock zeds on their asses.
Trench Tool刃器250 424672400. 0.0750.110.418Looks like a shovel. Hits like an axe.
Übermallet钝器250 522.563225 0.03750.0750.60.558It does everything but call down the lightning.
Ultralight Axe刃器250 115421500.450.2510.2 0.0750.110.414This modern military axe isn't as lethal as larger blades, but it's ideal for dismembering hordes of attacking zeds.
Veteran's Machete刃器250 2.518501800.30.2510.2 0.11250.110.416.5There's something elegant about a humble, seasoned blade that has served its purpose so well for so long.
Wooden Bat钝器30 31542150 classic wooden baseball bat is an iconic zombie-slaying tool.
Wooden Bat钝器30 31542150 classic wooden baseball bat is an iconic zombie-slaying tool.
World War I Bayonet刃器270 1.512331200.60.12510.2 0.11250.110.414This historic blade has crossed the sea and back again to find its way into your hands. Still quite sharp, but easy to break.
Wyvern刃器30 1925900.10.2510.2 0.0750.110.414For my money, the nobler choice is indeed to take arms against a sea of troubles, and you'll find no nobler weapon than this beautiful collector's item. Truly a blade for the ages.<br>–Cash Beaumont
Zed-Swatter钝器250 326.2573262.5“No, seriously, it says it right there on the head: SWAT.”
Zedpiercer钝器250 1133.7594337.50.0750.0751. a mere firefighting tool, this nasty weapon has found new life with a single purpose: Kill all zombies.



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  • 最后更改: 2021/09/14 23:36
  • gm