

图标名称 进化条件进化后超武描述基础伤害(等级1)最高等级稀有度Effects解锁方式解锁方式
神鞭whip水平攻击,可穿透敌人。108100Starting weapon of Antonio Belpaese
无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
强能魔杖Magic Wand向最近的敌人发射魔弹。108100Starting weapon of Imelda Belpaese
无效属性加成: 持续时间
飞刀Knife朝面对的方向快速发射。6.58100Starting weapon of Gennaro Belpaese
无效属性加成: 持续时间
斧头Axe高伤害,大范围。208100Starting weapon of Lama Ladonna
无效属性加成: 持续时间
十字飞镖Cross瞄准最近的敌人,能回旋攻击。5880Starting weapon of Krochi Freeto
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Finding a Rosary 拾取到后激活
国王圣经King Bible围绕角色旋转。10880Starting weapon of Dommario
火焰魔杖Fire Wand向随机敌人发射,造成大量伤害。20880Starting weapon of Arca Ladonna
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Destroying 20 light source 摧毁20个光源(如火盆,火把)
大蒜Garlic对附近的敌人造成伤害,降低对击退和冰冻效果的耐受。5870Starting weapon of Poe Ratcho
无效属性加成: 发射数量, 持续时间, and 速度
Consuming five Floor Chickens 拾取5个
圣徒水Santa Water生成伤害性区域。108100Starting weapon of Suor Clerici
无效属性加成: 速度
痕印石Runetracer贯穿攻击,可四处反弹。10880Starting weapon of Pasqualina Belpaese
Surviving for 5 minutes with Pasqualina使用帕斯姱丽娜·贝尔帕斯

闪电戒指Lightning Ring随机攻击敌人。15880Starting weapon of Porta Ladonna
无效属性加成: 速度 and 持续时间
Defeating a total of 5000 enemies 击杀5000个敌人
五芒星Pentagram清楚视野内的一切。-860Starting weapon of Christine Davain
无效属性加成: 除冷却时间和幸运外的所有加成
Surviving for 20 minutes with any character 任意角色存活20分钟
白鸽Peachone对一个圆形区域进行轰炸。10850Starting weapon of Toastie
Cosmo starts with it by default, not using up a weapon slot
Surviving for 10 minutes with any character任意角色存活10分钟
黑翼Ebony Wings对一个圆形区域进行轰炸。10850Starting weapon of Exdash Exiviiq
Cosmo starts with it by default, not using up a weapon slot
Getting the Peachone to level 7白鸽升到7级
图菲罗街市Phiera Der Tuphello
向四个固定方向快速射击。5850One of the starting weapons of Pugnala Provola
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Surviving for 10 minutes with Pugnala普格纳拉·普罗沃拉

麻雀小八Eight The Sparrow
向四个固定方向快速射击。5850One of the starting weapons of Pugnala Provola
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Surviving for 15 minutes with Pugnala普格纳拉·普罗沃拉

彪悍猫Gatti Amari召唤一些任性的猫咪,它们可能与掉落物交互。10850Starting weapon of Giovanna Grana
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Cats have unique interaction with Pickups
Surviving for 15 minutes with Giovanna乔万娜·格拉纳

魔力歌谣Song of Mana垂直攻击,可穿透敌人。10850
Starting weapon of Poppea Pecorina
无效属性加成: 速度 and 发射数量

Surviving for 15 minutes with Poppea

暗影螺钉Shadow Pinion移动时生成伤害性区域,停止时攻击。10850
Starting weapon of Concetta Caciotta

Surviving for 15 minutes with Concetta

时钟柳叶刀Clock Lancet
Starting weapon of Iguana Gallo Valletto
无效属性加成: 伤害数值, 发射速度,速度, 发射数量, 伤害范围

Finding an Orologion

Starting weapon of Divano Thelma

圣谟Vento Sacro持续移动时效果更强,可以造成暴击伤害。2850
Starting weapon of Zi'Assunta Belpaese

Surviving for 15 minutes with Zi'Assunta

骨头Bone孔雀石“死东西”的灵魂投掷一枚能反弹的飞射物。581Starting weapon of Mortaccio
Unlocking Mortaccio解锁“死东西”
樱桃炸弹Cherry Bomb\\投掷一枚能反弹的飞射物。有时会爆炸。1081Starting weapon of Yatta Cavallo
Unlocking Cavallo解锁熊
推车Carréllo\\投掷一枚能反弹的飞射物。发射数量影响反弹次数。1081Starting weapon of Bianca Ramba
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Unlocking Bianca Ramba解锁兰巴
英华天落Celestial Dusting\\投掷一枚能反弹的飞射物。移动时冷却时间减少。581Starting weapon of O'Sole Meeo
无效属性加成: 速度
Unlocking O'Sole解锁小太阳
圣徒精华La Robba\\召唤能反弹的飞射物。1081Starting weapon of Sir Ambrojoe
Unlocking Ambrohoe解锁Sir 安布罗乔 爵士
无双圣典Greatest Jubilee\\有一定几率召唤烟火。10920无效属性加成: 速度

Complete Eudaimonia Machine after having started

and exited a run in Endless mode

and a run in Inverse mode.
魔环Bracelet升到6级向一名随机敌人发射三枚飞射物。10640Starting weapon of Gyorunton

Survive 30 minutes with either Gallo or Divano

糖果盒Candybox概率开出Allows you to choose any unlocked base weapon.-12Starting weapon of Trouser

Discover every standard evolution and union
君临剑Victory Sword向最近的敌人发动连续刺击,可以返还伤害。51230Starting weapon of Sigma
无效属性加成: 速度 and 持续时间
Scale with 运气 and 护甲值
Defeating 100,000 enemies in a single run with Queen Sigma.使用西格玛

恶咒火焰Flames of Misspell发出火焰锥。10830Starting weapon of Avatar
Unlock Avatar解锁阿瓦达
银风Silver Wind 被击败的敌人可能掉落红心。10850Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Miang
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Surviving for 15 minutes with Miang米昂·月咒

天有四时Four Seasons 引发4次爆炸,伤害受发射数量和持续时间的影响。5850Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Menya
发射数量 and 持续时间 increase damage instead
无效属性加成: 速度
Surviving for 15 minutes with Menya门业·月咒

晦夜引Summon Night 在角色上方生成伤害性区域。10850Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Syuuto
无效属性加成: 速度
Surviving for 15 minutes with Syuuto脩杜·月咒

幻无垢Mirage Robe 生成冰冻的静态飞射物,有一定几率爆炸。10850Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Babi-Onna
无效属性加成: 速度
Surviving for 15 minutes with Babi-Onna芭比女

乱气蓝泡Mille Bolle Blu 发射飘荡的飞射物。581Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Gav'Et-Oni
Unlocking Gav'Et Oni解锁贾伟鬼
太宵一文字Night Sword 向最近的敌人发动连续刺击,可以返还伤害,有一定几率偷心。5830Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of Megalo Syuuto
无效属性加成: 速度 and 持续时间
Scales with 运气 and 护甲值
Find it and pick it up on Mt.Moonspell 解锁极恶 脩杜·月咒

108地滚球玉108 Bocce \\其实只有8颗而已,造成的伤害取决于诅咒和运气的差值。12810Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
Starting weapon of McCoy-Oni
无效属性加成: 速度, 持续时间, and 发射数量
Scales with 运气 or Curse
Surviving for 15 minutes with McCoy-Oni麦科伊鬼

咒能魔线SpellString 攻击附近的敌人,伤害根据速度翻倍。5670Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Eleanor Uziron
无效属性加成: 伤害范围 and 持续时间
Survive 15 minutes with Eleanor Uziron
咒能洪流SpellStream 生成一处不断扩大的伤害区域,伤害根据攻击范围翻倍。5670Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 发射数量
Get SpellStream to Level 6
咒能打击SpellStrike 攻击最近的敌人,伤害可进一步更具力量翻倍。20670Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 伤害范围 and 持续时间
Get SpellStrike to Level 6
湖中剑Eskizzibur 攻击附近的敌人,可返还伤害。10870Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Maruto Cuts
无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
Scales with 护甲值
Survive 15 minutes with Maruto Cuts
飞雷箭Flash Arrow 可以造成暴击,伤害受发射数量影响。10870Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Keitha Muort
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Scales with 运气
Survive 15 minutes with Keitha Muort
耀眼飞弹Prismatic Missile 在角色周围生成爆炸,受秘法牌Ⅱ,XIV,XIX影响仅其中任意首张有效。10870Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Luminaire Foscari
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Survive 15 minutes with Luminaire Foscari
暗影仆从Shadow Servant 有一定几率减缓敌人的速度。10870Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Genevieve Gruyère
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Survive 15 minutes with Genevieve Gruyère
彩纸拉炮Party Popper 投掷能反弹的飞射物。581Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Starting weapon of Rottin'Ghoul
Unlocking Rottin'Ghoul
图标名称 描述基础伤害Effects解锁方式
血笞Bloody Tear进化后的神鞭,可以造成暴击并吸取生命。40
Starting weapon of Minnah Mannarah
无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
Scales with 运气

Requires the Hollow Heart for evolution
神授魔杖Holy Wand进化后的强能魔杖,可以不间断发射。30
Starting weapon of Leda
无效属性加成: 持续时间

Requires the Empty Tome for evolution
千刃Thousand Edge进化后的飞刀,可以不间断发射。16.5
Starting weapon of Boon Marrabbio
无效属性加成: 持续时间

Requires the Bracer for evolution
死亡旋风Death Spiral进化后的斧头,可以穿透敌人。60Starting weapon of Mask of the Red Death
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Requires the Candelabrador for evolution
天堂之剑Heaven Sword进化后的十字飞镖,可以造成暴击。77Starting weapon of Gains Boros
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Scales with 运气
Requires the Clover for evolution
渎神祷书Unholy Vespers进化后的国王圣经,永久护体。30可以享受所有属性加成Requires Spellbinder for evolution
地狱火Hellfire进化后的火焰魔杖,可以穿透敌人。100无效属性加成: 持续时间Requires Spinach for evolution
噬魂纹章Soul Eater进化后的大蒜,杀敌可以生成红心。恢复生命时增加伤害。20Starting weapon of Peppino
无效属性加成: 发射数量, 持续时间, and 速度
Requires Pummarola for evolution
圣徒精华La Borra进化后的圣徒水,攻击区域会跟随您,并随着移动扩大。30可以享受所有属性加成 and Move速度Requires Attractorb for evolution
爆裂NO FUTURE进化后的痕印石,在痕印反弹,角色返还敌人伤害时会产生爆炸。30可以享受所有属性加成 and 护甲值
Requires 护甲值 for evolution
雷环Thunder Loop进化后的闪电戒指,飞射物可以攻击两次。65无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度Requires Duplicator for evolution
华月纹章Gorgeous Moon进化后的五芒星。能生成额外的经验宝石并全部拾取它们。-无效属性加成: everything but 冷却时间Requires Crown for evolution
饕恶魔眼Vicious Hunger进化后的彪悍猫,可以将任何东西都变成金币。30Starting weapon of Sammy DLC Tides Of The Foscari
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Requires Stone Mask for evolution
黑乐谱Mannajja进化后的魔力歌谣,可以让敌人减速。40无效属性加成: 速度 and 发射数量Requires Skull O'Maniac for evolution
瓦尔基里喷枪Valkyrie Turner进化后的暗影螺钉,更大,更长,更快,更强。35可以享受所有属性加成 and Move速度Requires Wings for evolution
无尽回廊Infinite Corridor进化后的时钟柳叶刀,消减敌人一半的生命值。-无效属性加成: Might, 速度, 发射数量, and 伤害范围Requires Silver Ring and Gold Ring at max level for evolution
绯红圣骸布Crimson Shroud进化后的月桂,遭受的伤害不会超过10.消耗充能时会返还伤害。-无效属性加成: 速度, 持续时间, and 发射数量
Scales with 护甲值 and Curse
Requires Metaglio Left and Metaglio Right at max level for evolution
Has a rarity of 20 and a max level of 6
Does not require any passives for evolution
Has a rarity of 20 and a max level of 6
Does not require any passives for evolution
火焰国的灰烬Ashes of Muspell恶咒火焰的强化:击杀的敌人越多,它就变得越强。50

Requires Torrona's Box at max level for evolution
死东西的灵魂Anima of MortaccioEvolved Bone. Projectiles accelerate when bouncing.1

Requires Chaos Malachite and Level 80+ Mortaccio for evolution
Acquired automatically when conditions are met
激荡Festive Winds 进化后的银风。可以削弱敌人的防御。30
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气

Requires Pummarola at max level for evolution
法止五度Godai Shuffle进化后的大有四时。引发一次额外的爆炸。10
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
无效属性加成: 速度

Requires Spinach and Candelabrador at max level for evolution
流音长夜Echo Night 进化后的悔夜引,在角色下方也生成伤害性区域。30
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
无效属性加成: 速度

Requires Duplicator at max level for evolution
狊(ju)物J'Odore 进化后的幻无垢,飞射物可以移动并扰乱敌人。60
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气

Requires Attractorb at max level for evolution
噼里啪啦Boo Roo Boolle 进化后的乱气蓝泡,飞射物可以多次命中同一个敌人。20
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell

Requires Spellbinder at max level for evolution
村正Muramasa 进化后的太宵一文字,飞射物可以多次命中同一个敌人,可以吸取生命。80
Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
无效属性加成: 速度 and 持续时间
Scales with 运气 and 护甲值

Requires Stone Mask at max level for evolution
千军斩Legionnaire 进化后的湖中剑,生成额外的飞射物,可返还伤害。40
Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
可以享受所有属性加成, 护甲值, and Move速度

Requires 护甲值 at max level for evolution
百万箭雨Millionaire 进化后的飞雷箭,额外的飞射物受发射数量影响,在金币拾取时也可触发。40
Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 持续时间
Scales with 运气

Requires Bracer and Clover at max level for evolution
璀璨光芒Luminaire 进化后的耀眼飞弹,增加经验宝石和金币数量。25
Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度

Requires Crown at max level for evolution
蛇夫宝珠Ophion 进化后的暗影仆从,有一定几率瞬杀敌人。50
Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 速度
Scales with 运气

Requires Skull O'Maniac at max level for evolution
图标名称 描述基础伤害(等级1)Effects解锁方式
催锋Vandalier组合黑翼和白鸽。28Starting weapon of Smith IV
可以享受所有属性加成 and Move速度
Acquisition will free a weapon slot
Has two 伤害范围s that orbit in both directions
Has a max level of 8
Requires both Peachone and Ebony Wings
菲拉吉Phieraggi组合并进化图菲罗街市和麻雀小八。复活机会的多少会影响效果。15无效属性加成: 持续时间
Scales with Revival
Acquisition will free a weapon slot
Requires Tiragisú for evolution and both Phiera Der Tuphello and Eight The Sparrow
涤罪Fuwalafuwaloo组合圣谟和血笞,暴击时可能会造成爆炸。20可以享受所有属性加成, 移动速度, and 运气Requires both Vento Sacro and Bloody Tear
咒能风暴SpellStrom 将咒能魔线,咒能洪流和咒能打击组合到一起。每一次爆发点过后会变的更强。15Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
Requires SpellString, SpellStream, and SpellStrike at max level for evolution
图标名称 描述基础伤害(等级1)Max levelCollapseEffects
别无他法Sole Solution君临剑的强化:击杀的敌人越多,它就变得越强。10
无效属性加成: everything but Might

Requires Torrona's Box at max level to obtain this gift
Super Candybox II TurboGift of Candybox. Allows to choose among a selection of advanced weapons.-
Has a rarity of 0.1
Rarity affected by 运气
Can turn into any evolved weapon

Does not require any passives to obtain this gift
图标名称 描述基础伤害(等级1)Max levelCollapseEffects
翔炎Zhar Ptytsia对一个圆形区域进行轰炸。108可以享受所有属性加成
红肌肉Red Muscle向四个固定方向快速射击。58无效属性加成: 持续时间
Shooting angles align slightly closer to vertical
曾几两时Twice Upon a Time向四个固定方向快速射击。58无效属性加成: 持续时间
Shooting angles align slightly closer to vertical
羊群驱逐舰Flock DestroyerSummons capricious projectiles. Might interact with pickups.108可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Cats have unique interaction with Pickups
Silver Sliver Counterpart to Shadow Servant and Ophion from Arcana I - Gemini108可以享受所有属性加成 and 运气
Party Pooper Counterpart to Party Popper from Arcana I - Gemini108可以享受所有属性加成
图标名称 基础伤害描述Effects
辣酱烘蛋Nduja Fritta30可暂时发出锥形火焰。受玩家数值影响。可以享受所有属性加成
持续时间 affects both the NFT and the each individual flame
伤害范围 increases the growth rate of each flame
Dairy Cart100 无效属性加成: 持续时间
无效属性加成: 速度, 持续时间, 冷却时间, and 发射数量 as an effect
Does not bounce off the screen like Carréllo
Triggers when dealt enough damage.
Can kill Stalker, making it drops a Treasure Chest as an effect
Sarabande of Healing0 无效属性加成: Might, 持续时间, and 速度
无效属性加成: everything but 伤害范围 as an effect
Deals damage equal to the 发射数量 healed as Arcana effect
Stained Glass130 无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
无效属性加成: 速度, 持续时间, 冷却时间, and 发射数量 as an effect
Triggers when dealt enough damage
Effect used by Game Killer (0),
Game Killer10 无效属性加成: 持续时间
无效属性加成: 持续时间, 冷却时间, and 发射数量 as an effect
Shoot out a placeholder piano that aims straight at the closest enemy similar to Magic Wand
Deals damage equal to the experience gem value, multiplied by Growth
Heart of Fire10 无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
无效属性加成: 速度, 持续时间, 冷却时间, and 发射数量 as an effect
Used by Gatti Amari when a cat consumes an NFT
Retaliatory explosion scales with 护甲值 as Arcana effect
Deals damage equal to its base damage or half the highest weapons Base Damage as Arcana effect, triggered by hitting enemies, taking damage, and destroying Light sources.
Out of Bounds10 无效属性加成: 持续时间 and 速度
无效属性加成: 持续时间, 速度, 冷却时间, and 发射数量 as an effect
Triggered by freezing enemies as Arcana effect,
Divine Bloodline0 无效属性加成: Might, 伤害范围, 持续时间, and 速度
无效属性加成: everything but 护甲值 and deals contact damage as Arcana effect
Blood Astronomia5 无效属性加成: 伤害范围, 持续时间, and 速度
Scales with Magnet
无效属性加成: 伤害范围, 持续时间, and 速度 as Arcana effect
贪婪Insatiable 10 Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
无效属性加成: 伤害范围, 持续时间, and 速度
Scales with Magnet and Greed



  • wiki/vampiresurvivors/2.武器/1.武器列表.txt
  • 最后更改: 2023/05/23 20:13
  • wu