


图鉴名称DescriptionMax levelRarityEffectsUnlock requirements
菠菜Raises inflicted damage by 10%. 5100* +10% Might (max +50%)
* Evolves Fire Wand into Hellfire
* Evolves Four Seasons Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Godai Shuffle Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC with both it and Candelabrador at max level
Unlocked by default
护盔Reduces incoming damage by 1. Increases retaliatory damage by 10%. 5100* +1 Armor (max +5)
* +10% Retaliatory damage (max +50%)
* Evolves Runetracer into NO FUTURE
* Evolves Eskizzibur Tides Of The Foscari DLC into Legionnaire Tides Of The Foscari DLC at max level
Unlocked by default
空心Augments max health by 20%. 590* x1.2 Max Health
* Evolves Whip into Bloody Tear
Survive for 1 minute as any character
红心Character recovers 0.2 HP per second. 590* +0.2 Recovery (max +1)
* Evolves Garlic into Soul Eater
* Evolves Silver Wind Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Festive Winds Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC at max level
Survive for 5 minutes as Gennaro Belpaese
空书Reduces weapons cooldown by 8%. 550* -8% Cooldown (max -40%)
* Evolves Magic Wand into Holy Wand
Have 6 different weapons simultaneously
烛台Augments area of attacks by 10%. 5100* +10% Area (max +50%)
* Evolves Axe into Death Spiral
* Evolves Four Seasons Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Godai Shuffle Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC with both it and Spinach at max level
Level up the Santa Water to level 4
护腕Increases projectiles speed by 10%. 5100* +10% Speed (max +50%)
* Evolves Knife into Thousand Edge
* Evolves Flash Arrow Tides Of The Foscari DLC into Millionaire Tides Of The Foscari DLC with both it and Clover at max level
Level up the King Bible to level 4
咒缚盒Increases duration of weapon effects by 10%. 5100* +10% Duration (max +50%)
* Evolves King Bible into Unholy Vespers
* Evolves Mille Bolle Blu Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Boo Roo Boolle Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC at max level
Level up the Runetracer to level 7
复制器Weapons fire more projectiles. 250* +1 Amount (max +2)
* Evolves Lightning Ring into Thunder Loop
* Evolves Summon Night Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Echo Night Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC at max level
Level up the Magic Wand to level 7
翅膀Character moves 10% faster. 550* +10% MoveSpeed (max +50%)
* Evolves Shadow Pinion into Valkyrie Turner
Reach level 5 as any character
念力法球Character pickups items from further away. 5100* Varying multiplicative bonuses to Magnet
* Evolves Santa Water into La Borra
* Evolves Mirage Robe Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into J'Odore Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC at max level
Pick up a Vacuum
四叶草Character gets 10% luckier. 5100* +10% Luck (max +50%)
* Evolves Cross into Heaven Sword
* Evolves Flash Arrow Tides Of The Foscari DLC into Millionaire Tides Of The Foscari DLC with both it and Bracer at max level
Pick up a Little Clover
王冠Character gains 8% more experience. 580* +8% Growth (max +40%)
* Evolves Pentagram into Gorgeous Moon
* Evolves Prismatic Missile Tides Of The Foscari DLC into Luminaire Tides Of The Foscari DLC at max level
Reach level 10 as any character
石面具Character earns 10% more coins. 580* +10% Greed (max +50%)
* Evolves Gatti Amari into Vicious Hunger
* Evolves Night Sword Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC into Muramasa Legacy Of The Moonspell DLC at max level
Unlocked by picking it up in Inlaid Library (details on item page)
提拉米苏Character revives with 50% health once. 240* +1 Revival (Max +2)
* Evolves and unites Phiera Der Tuphello and Eight The Sparrow into Phieraggi
Unlocked by surviving for 20 minutes with Krochi
疯狂骷髅Increases enemy speed, health, quantity, and frequency by 10%. 540* +10% Curse (Max +50%)
* Evolves Song of Mana into Mannajja
* Evolves Shadow Servant Tides Of The Foscari DLC into Ophion Tides Of The Foscari DLC at max level
Unlocked by surviving for 30 minutes with Lama
银戒指Wear … Clock … 910* +5% Duration, +5% Area (Max +40% each)
* Evolves Clock Lancet into Infinite Corridor with both it and Gold Ring at max level
* The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats
Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign
金戒指… With … Lancet 910* +5% Curse (Max +40%)
* Evolves Clock Lancet into Infinite Corridor with both it and Silver Ring at max level
* The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats
Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign
左箭头Channels dark powers to protect the bearer. 910* +0.1 Recovery, +5% Max Health (Max +0.8 and +47.7%)
* Evolves Laurel into Crimson Shroud with both it and Metaglio Right at max level
* The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats
Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign
右箭头Channels dark powers to curse the bearer. 910* +5% Curse (Max +40%)
* Evolves Laurel into Crimson Shroud with both it and Metaglio Left at max level
* The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats
Unlocked after obtaining Yellow Sign
托罗娜的魔盒Cursed item, but increases Might, Projectile Speed, Duration, and Area by 4%. 940* +4% Omni (Max +25%)
* +3% Omni from level 2 to 8
* +100% Curse at level 9
* Omni is Might, Speed, Duration, and Area
* Evolves Victory Sword to obtain Sole Solution
* Evolves Flames of Misspell into Ashes of Muspell
Have 6 different evolutions weapons simultaneously
Academy Badge Tides Of The Foscari DLCWill provide bonus Amount and Revivals in exchange for Growth. 610* +1 Amount at level 2, 4, 6 (Max +3)
* +1 Revival at level 3 and 5 (Max +2)
* -3% Growth (Max -15%)
* The first level is not available through level up, thus does not give any stats
Reaching level 30 as Eleanor, Maruto, or Keitha



  • wiki/vampiresurvivors/3.被动/1.被动列表.1684715458.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2023/05/22 08:30
  • omegfn