


图鉴 名称Drop rate affected by LuckRarityUnlock levelDescriptionEffectNotes
经验宝石No-100000Increases experience. Gives 50 XP (as a light source drop)* Amount depends on gem type.
* Amount of XP gained is multiplied by Growth
金币No500Adds 1 to your gold coins total. Gives 1 Coin* Amount of coins gained is multiplied by Greed
钱袋No100Adds 10 to your gold coins total. Gives 10 Coins* Amount of coins gained is multiplied by Greed
* Triggers Gold Fever with Disco of Gold active
大钱袋No-100000Adds 25 to your gold coins total. Gives 25 Coins* Is a hidden item
* Available as an option for leveling up after all weapons and passive items are maxed.
* Amount of coins gained is multiplied by Greed
符号钱袋Yes15Adds 100 to your gold coins total. Gives 100 Coins* Amount of coins gained is multiplied by Greed
* Triggers Gold Fever with Disco of Gold active
玫瑰念珠Yes18Destroys all enemies in sight. Kills all enemies, excluding ones that are immune* See Enemies for resistances
辣香肠酱Yes10Temporarily emits cones of flames. Affected by player stats. Shoots fire at where the character is facing for 10 seconds* Affected by Might, Projectile Speed, Duration, and Area
时祷怀表Yes24冰冻所有敌人,持续10秒。 Freezes all enemies for 10 seconds, unable to move or do damage to the player* See Enemies for resistances
聚星宝珠Yes212收集所有留在地上的经验宝石。 Vacuums all Experience Gems that exist on the map* Ignores all pickups
* It takes time for all gems to reach the player
烤鸡Yes120生命值 +30. Heals 30 HP* Available as an option for leveling up after all weapons and passive items are maxed.
* Increases Gatti Amari's effectiveness
* Healing is doubled with Sarabande of Healing active
镶金三叶草Yes130收集所有留在地上的金币,然后开启一轮淘金狂热。 Vacuums all Gold pickups and starts a Gold Fever* Collecting Gold Coins, Coin Bags and Rich Coin Bags increase the duration of Gold Fever
三叶草Yes0.50拾取后 +10%的运气。 Gives +10% Luck* Not related to Clover, can collect an infinite amount of them
宝箱Yes*Varies1000000击败强敌后掉落,可获得金币和宝物。 Gives coins, levels up and evolves weapons* Chest quality is affected by Luck
* Grants an upgrade to 1, 3 or 5 owned weapons and passive items, depending on the tier of the chest
* Amount of coins gained is multiplied by Greed
Little HeartNo-1000000Pick up to recover 1 HP. Heals 1 HP* Is a hidden item
* Generated by Soul Eater or Celestial Dusting, collected automatically
* Healing is doubled with Sarabande of Healing active
Golden EggNo-1000000Permanently improves a random stat for the current character, by a tiny amount. Increases a random stat.* Drops from certain enemies and Death after obtaining the Yellow Sign
PieNo---Heals 30 HP* Spawns after collecting Skull O'Maniac and Pummarola in Mad Forest. Leads to where the secret boss is
CheeseNo---Heals 30 HP, summons werewolves* Spawns in Dairy Plant. Appears after collecting Yellow Sign



  • wiki/vampiresurvivors/4.道具/1.道具列表.1693306784.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2023/08/29 18:59
  • wu